
Let Kids Achieve by using Positive Thoughts

Giving Kids the Power to Achieve Their Dreams!

Whatever your child’s talents, you can help them feel loved and consequently empowered to do whatever they desire. This involves focussing on your communication and personal bond with your child, the language you use, the love you show, the faith and responsibility you bestow upon them, and just being happy with the child no matter their likes and dislikes, and whoever they are.

The way we think influences how we feel, our sense of worth and our successes. I’m positive lots of us can remember times when we had a notion, like for instance, “I know I will let the team down once again”, and then, true to our thought, we do just that. So being conditioned to have positive thoughts instead of negative can make all the difference to us achieving our goals, and yet while a child is great at something, they can achieve much, much more and even be the best, if they believe they are capable of it.

steps for kids achieve their dreams
So how can we promote such a belief in our child?

1. Our language is very powerful. Children respond fantastically to positive praise when they do anything well, but equally as important is your readiness to look past the things they don’t do so well. Always look for, draw upon and build upon, the strengths, rather than the worst in your child.
2. Express your love to your kids, no matter how old they are. As they reach teenage years, this is something we may not do as frequently. You must let them know you love them – it is your close, trusting and stable relationship with them that is the powerful foundation on which they can build, and accomplish, anything in their great life.
3. We’ve all met the over-zealous parent who pushes their child to be great at lots of things, to do their best in absolutely everything, and have high standards. It’s good for kids to acknowledge, however, that they don’t have to be good at absolutely every thing, and that they know their limits. A child who feels they have to be something they are not, will feel dismayed and not a success.
4. From an early age, support your children to be independent, doing things for themselves, starting with the tiniest of tasks like hanging their hat up, right up to running errands and finding a job. Giving kids responsibility gives them control and the knowledge that you beleive them to be trustworthy and responsible. If you’re for ever heading from a position of distrust and little confidence in their abilities, then they will respond accordingly.
5. When a child wants to do something for themself, then let him (if it's safe, of course). Unless you can find a compelling reason not to, always say ‘yes’ to their eagerness and keeness in doing things for themselves. It shows you believe in your child and gives them the confidence to try new things.

You must have noticed that when you’re happy, other people smile at you? It is because of the way you are feeling inside shows on the outside, even if you are not conscience of it yourself. What you feel on the inside is projected outwards from you. The same as, to be able to love other people and give love, you must first love yourselves. Being happy and having a positive attitude and self worth are more important than anything else because they are the nitty-gritty on which we and our kids can build in order to do and achieve anything in our life, for that reason to be successful in profession, education or anything, we must be capable to build relationships with others.

So instead of worrying about what your child is able to achieve or not achieve, concentrate on your communication and personal bond with your child. Children will always have their strengths and weaknesses, be particularly gifted in certain things, and confusingly clumsy and slow in others. Whatever their talents, you can help your child feel loved and therefore capable in whatever they desire to do. A happy kid is a healthy kid!


Increase Fertility Naturally| Happy Kids Healthy Kids

Increase Fertility Naturally Happy Kids Healthy Kids

Some women find it difficult to become pregnant? If it's you, you are able to try lots of easy things to increase your chance of conceiving, the way we live our lives has a big effect on the reproductive systems of men and women and nearly all people would rather natural ways to increase fertility. Your life-style will need to change to incorporate healthy ideas and get rid of stuff that you enjoy that makes your fertility reduce.
Increasing your fertility naturally is something both partners can do. You can be sure your weight is in the correct range that helps conceiving. You can make sure you have a regular exercise program daily- such as walking or cycling or swimming, because being fit and active is very helpful for increasing fertility. Make sure that you and your partner are eating healthy and get rid of habits that will lower your chances of conceiving.
Reduce Alcohol
Alcohol can put pregnancy at risk. Some studies say that the risk of miscarriage increases when only moderate alcohol is taken during the first three months of pregnancy.
Reducing Your Stress
Stress does have a huge effect on your fertility. If a woman is under stress her reproductive hormone called prolactin becomes over-produced and this interferes with her ovulation. The hypothalamus can stop producing hormones which then will effect the both the luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. All these hormones help with ovulation - so fertility is affected.
A good self help for stress is to do regular exercises, some deep breathing programs, hypnotherapy and visualisation therapy.
Fertility is an event that the whole of your body in involved in - not just in your reproductive organs - that is why a holistic approach works well. There possibly is a need for more fertility awareness and lifestyle changes which will improve your chances of getting pregnant plus you may need for vitamin supplements, relaxation techniques, accupuncture, and massage.
Improve your Nutrition
Don't overlook nutrition in any natural fertility treatment – you have to have a great level of foods that allow your body to function correctly and this is the best way to naturally increase fertility! Not doing this will make your nutrient reserves deplete and they are necessary for reproductive hormone systems. If you don't have the correct amounts of fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants, then your hormone production will be hampered.
Medical accupuncture is good for couples who have unexplained infertility. When applied accupuncture may be effective in fixing some of the imbalances in the complex physical and hormonal disorders that could cause a reduced fertility.
Stop Smoking
Ladies that smoke take longer to conceive and they have increase the risk of miscarriage, lower oestrogen and progesterone levels. Guys who smoke are usually have decreased sperm density, less sperm movement and lower testosterone. The risks will increase with more cigarettes smoked.
Hypnotherapy is a beneficial and natural way to increase fertility. Hypnotherapists can help women give birth and teaching them that birth should be a calm and natural process. Learning simple relaxation and breathing techniques make the whole birth easier and more comfortable.

So there it is - ideas to Increase fertility naturally, try what suits you and your lifestyle and make things great for you and your baby. This information is from reading resources around various places, please talk to your doctor first though.