The cause of female infertility is looked at as a serious affliction both by doctors and by the woman who is affected by it. As the doctor that are well-trained to understand your complex situation that would otherwise would take a long time to understand Nature that went wrong within the woman system - because it might push you into depression.
Cause of Female Infertility – Some Critical Factors
The reproductive system in a women’s body is a very complex system which can malfunction from any side. Unfortunately, there are even instances when the reproductive system is perfect, and still conceiving is not possible. What are the possible causes?
1. Body structure: When a woman is too small built and the pelvis is not well formed, sometimes this points to a faulty reproductive system as well. There are other possible deficiencies within the women reproduction function such as passage blockage, tumour in the uterus, cervical cancer, and so on. Many of these factors can be remedied with surgeries and/or medication. As soon as the anatomical defects are gone, it will be quite easy to have kids in the normal and natural process of reproduction.
2. The leading cause of female infertility is the malfunction or faulty functioning of one or more organs within the reproductive system. Sometimes the uterus does not permit the attachment of the zygote, the cervical mucus can kill the sperm with its acidity, the fallopian tubes can be blocked and hence these stop the egg from reaching the womb, and so on. These afflictions too can be in most cases, corrected by medicine and/or surgery. When the malfunction does not respond to medication, is when you need to start worrying about the next step.
3. There are occasions that there are many unknown reasons that causes of female infertility. This diagnosis is scary when you are facing it, since you do not really know how to handle it. And the inability to fight back is the worst possible situation a person can find himself/herself in. It is thankful that only less 10 percent of the women all over the world are suffering from an unexplained infertility. In most cases the cause of female infertility will be pointed out clearly by tests and medical check ups.
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